Aleksandrs Grebnevs is a cinematographer, lecturer and PhD student based in Riga, Latvia. Over the course of twenty years, Aleksandrs has served as the director of photography on ten feature films, fifteen feature documentaries and dozens of shorts, music videos and ads. Several of his films have won awards at major festivals, including Family Instinct (2011) by Andris Gauja, which won the main award at AFI Docs, and Sisters (2022) by Linda Olte which one two main prizes at the Warsaw Film Festival. Aleksandrs has the ability to find a unique style for each project, is adaptable and works with a large amount of dedication. He is interested in cinema studies and is currently pursuing his doctoral degree exploring cinematography in one-shot films.
2000 - 2004
Latvian Academy of Culture, Bc.art, Cinematography
2004 - 2007
Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Cinematography (Germany)
2020 - 2022
Latvian Academy of Culture, Mg.art., Audiovisual and Performing Arts, Cinematography
2022 - now
Latvian Academy of Culture, Art Academy of Latvia, Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, The Joint Professional Doctoral Study Programme “Arts” Sub-programme ""Audiovisual Arts, Theatre and Contemporary Dance"
“Postcard from Rome” narrative feature, dir. Elza Gauja
"Women Without Men" documentary, dir. Una Celma, Marina Nazarenko
"Blue Blood" narrative feature, dir. Una Celma
“Gunārs Astra. Pret Straumi" documentary, dir. Liene Lavina
"The Girls of 1960 " documentary, dir. Una Celma
“Neon Spring” narrative feature, dir. Matīss Kaža (102 min)
“Sisters” narrative feature, dir. Linda Olte (104 min)
“Keep Smiling, Mom!” narrative feature, dir. Elza Gauja (96 min)
“The Teaste of Water” narrative feature, dir. Matīss Kaža (107 min)
"Professor and Gena" documentary short, dir. Elza Gauja (23 min)
“Wild East” narrative feature, dir. Matīss Kaža (95 min)
“Lockdown” narrative short, dir. Elza Gauja (20 min)
“The Wanderers” documentary, dir. Matīss Kaža (90 min)
“Meyerhold’s Flight” narrative short, dir. Matīss Kaža
“Nothing Can Stop Us Now” narrative feature, dir. Andris Gauja (99 min)
“Forbidden Zone” narrative short, dir. Matīss Kaža
“Zigfrīds Anna Meierovic” documentary, dir. Tālivaldis Margēvičs (52 min)
“One Ticket Please” documentary, dir. Matīss Kaža, (65 min)
“Meldra” narrative short, dir. Monta Gāgane
“Major Days, Minor Nights” narrative short, dir. Dita Celmiņa
„The Lesson” narrative feature, dir. Andris Gauja (106 min)
„My Father the Banker” documentary, dir. Ieva Ozoliņa (71 min)
“Higher Than the Ground” narrative short, dir. Jānis Ābele
„The Short Day” documentary, dir. Una Celma, (52 min)
„Restrats” documentary, dir. Aija Bley, (52 min)
„Vija Celmins" documentary, dir. Olafs Okonovs, (52 min)
„Month of the Witches” documentary, dir. Una Celma (90 min)
„Heat” narrative short, dir. Krustaps Krūmiņš
“Who” (oriģ. Kto) narrative short, dir. Anna Dubrovska
„Sterile Zone” narrative short, dir. Lauma Balode
“Who” (oriģ. Kto) narrative short, dir. Anna Dubrovska
„Family Instinct” documentary, dir. Andris Gauja (61 min),
„Viktors” documentary, dir. Andris Gauja (52 min)
„A Girl Dances” narrative short, dir. Dzintars Dreibergs
„The Chicken Came First” narrative short, dir.Anna Dubrovska
„Buttons” narrative short, dir. Anna Dubrovska
„Ruins” narrative short, dir. Anna Dubrovska
„Rush Hour” (oriģ. Ruch) narrative short, dir. Anna Dubrovska,
„When I Cry My Heart Beats Faster” (orig. Wenn Ich weine, shlägt mein herz)
documentary, dir. Annett Schutze, (90 min, Romania),
„Tied Up” (orig. Gebunden) narrative short, dir. Mihails Elizarovs, Germany
„In Search of Beauty” (orig. Auf der Suche nach was Schönerem)
documentary, dir. Nico Woche, Germany
“Moskachka” (oriģ. Москачка) documentary, dir. Annett Schutze, (90 min),
„Breath” narrative short, dir. Linda Olte
„The Muddy Road” narrative short, dir. Linda Olte
„Theater” narrative short, dir. Arturs Nikolajevs